Join us Sundays at 10 a.m.
Nursery care is available at each service for children under 3 years old. Church School for ages pre-kindergarten through 8th grade takes place during most services. High School Sunday School is held on the second Sunday of each month from September through June.
We invite all members and guests in our congregation to join us for coffee and light refreshments in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship.
Special Worship services are offered at other times during the year, especially during Advent, Christmas and Holy Week and during times of local or national crisis. Special service times are posted on our calendar. During the summer, worship services start a little bit earlier, at 9:30 a.m.
In the event of dangerous weather conditions, Pilgrim Church follows the lead from Town of Duxbury. Please check our website for notifications of cancellations.
Worship the LORD with gladness; come into his presence with singing.
Psalm 100:2